Dr Zoë Pool

Tel: 07702 968139

e: zoe@drzoepool.co.uk



I work with people of all ages who need help with a range of issues, difficulties and distress. I understand that at whatever stage of life you are, you are a unique and complex individual, with many facets and aspects of who you are, how you experience yourself, and how you have had to adapt as you confront life's struggles. 

Here are some questions that might be helpful...

 Do you:

  • Feel stressed and want to more easily manage stressful situations in your life?
  • Want to resolve difficulties with relationships? Family? Work? Partners? Friends?
  • Struggle with unexpected life experiences for which you feel unprepared or unable to manage?
  • Struggle with polarising aspects of your experience, feelings and decision-making?
  • Struggle with mood swings, addictive or compulsive, distressing patterns of behaviour?
  • Have difficulty overcoming the impact of a traumatic event(s)?
  • Need help to overcome adverse childhood issues or distressing past life events?
  • Feel stuck or overwhelmed? Depressed and fearful?
  • Feel disconnected from yourself and from others and from your life?
  • Feel uncomfortable in your own skin?
  • Feel bereft after a bereavement or suffering through loss?
  • Need to make sense of a lack of motivation or despair?
  • Need to resolve issues around identity, gender, sexuality, fertility or parenting?
  • Long to discover your sense of purpose or belonging?
  • Increase your self-awareness, self-worth and self esteem?
  • Long to feel more fulfilled in your life?
  • Are you ready to make a heartfelt commitment to your recovery, self-care & well being?

meaningful journeys
have twists and turns and dead end
before reaching home

If you would like to know more about how I can help you to overcome your difficulties, contact me for an initial, free phone call to discuss your needs.



EMDR Dr Zoe Pool