Beyond Words
I understand that sometimes there are no words. Sometimes words are not enough. I understand that sometimes what is needed is not talking. Attentive silence, perhaps. Sometimes, approaches that move beyond words can help you find your own ways of sharing what you need to express. Allowing yourself to be creative in other ways may be helpful, for instance through artwork, play, sound, drumming, moving etc.
Sometimes words have a very clear meaning. Yes is yes. And no is no. However, words and their meanings are more often than not, subjective, and open to interpretation. The meanings we give words are filtered through our experience of culture, education and experience. And, more often than not, the same word can have a different meaning for different people. I always remain curious as to how creative processes may offer new meanings that are vital and meaningful for you.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor Frankl
Always with empathy, and without judgement, I support your process of making space to connect with all parts of yourself. As you do this, it becomes easier to accept your own complexity and your power to choose, in ways that are right for you.
You choose your way.
We are our bodies, and yet so often, we ignore our bodies, as we overly depend on our thinking and thoughts to solve our problems. Especially where there is trauma, “the body keeps the score” (van der Kolk). When we are stressed or anxious, or we are feeling something difficult, one of the first things that happens is we constrict our breath in ways that can affect our well being. Our breath becomes shallow or tight, which results in less oxygen circulating to our brain, and so our body-mind system must work overtime with less resources to support them.
I support my clients to develop ways of breathing that support and facilitate well-being, with visualisation processes that help to quieten the mind. In this way it is easier to discover the support and insight that the body and imagination can give us when we listen to them.